Rating: 5/5
10 Days 9 Nights Cozy Comfort Migration Safari

10 Days 9 Nights Cozy Comfort Migration Safari

From $3,195* / 10 Days & 9 Nights

10 Days 9 Nights Cozy Comfort Migration Safari


1 Person$5,945
2 People$3,985per person
3 People$3,455per person
4 People$3,195per person
5 People$3,085per person
6 People$2,945per person
  • Day 1


    One of our guides will welcome you at the Kilimanjaro International Airport or Arusha airport and drive to your accommodation in Arusha, where you will be able to refresh and prepare for your safari experience.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
  • Day 2

    Arusha to Tarangire National Park

    Starting at your accommodation around 08h00am, you will have a short briefing about safari there after you will start driving by your driver guide depart to Tarangire National Park. The Tarangire National Park is located in South west of Arusha Region and South of Lake Manyara, the River which pass inside of the Park is the one which deliver the Name of the Park “TARANGIRE” which means the River of Warthog in Bungwe Language. The source of Tarangire River starts from Kondoa High Lands and ends in Lake Burunge via Tarangire National Park; The Tarangire National Park was established in 1970 by the government for the aim of reserve Fauna and Flora in the natural habitants /environments, the Park covers an area of 2,850 kilometers square with different lands scraps such as savanna with scatted trees, savanna with grass and plains, swamps and small hills. Attitude of Tarangire National Park is 1,100 above sea level, and 120 kilometer from Arusha. When you’re in Tarangire it will be possible to collect amazing African Postcards for viewing those attractions which found in the Park such as High concentrations of Elephants, The oldest and huge Baobab Trees, the Tree Python in trees and in swamp water, some Herbivore and Carnivore like White Beard Wildebeest, Lesser Kudu, Elands, Impalas, Thomson’s Gazelles, Grand’s Gazelles, Zebras, Lions, Cheetah, Leopards, 850 species of Residents and Migrants Birds. The uniqueness of Tarangire National Park is the local Migration which done by Herbivore for finding the mineral grass outside the Park during the rainy season around the Maasai steps and this kind of migration they done on February to May and be back in the Park on June to January. After done the game drive in the Park you will have lunch at Picnic site and then you will be driving to the Park gate with game viewing en route for Exit the Park towards to your accommodation place for dinner and overnight.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
    • Travel Time:

      2h drive from Arusha to Tarangire National Park
  • Day 3

    Heart and Soul to Lake Manyara National Park

    After morning breakfast at your accommodation place your driver guide will pick you and start driving to Lake Manyara National Park for game drive and canoeing. The Lake Manyara National Park was established in 1960, and cover an area of 648 Kilometers Square so is among of oldest National Park in Tanzania and also is the among of Man and Biosphere Reserve in Tanzania. The Park is Located on North Tarangire and West part of Arusha Region. The Park deliver its Name from Maasai Language “EMANYATA” the name of plant “Euphorbia turicalii” which was used by Maasai people for protecting their domestic animals by making the “Coral /Boma” (local fence). The Park is famous due to the attractions which make many people be attentive while they are in the Park, they observes and experience the things in the natural place such as Climbing Trees Lions, The source of Hot spring, Underground water forest, Lake Manyara itself, The Great Gregory Rift Valley Escarpment and High concentration of animals such as Olive Baboons, Antelopes, Aquatic Birds known as Flamingos and Pelicans. After having morning and afternoon game drive in the Park you will have lunch at Picnic Site and then you will have game en route drive to the Park gate for Exit and drive towards to your accommodation place at Karatu for dinner and overnight.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
    • Travel Time:

      30min drive from Heart and Soul to Lake Manyara National Park
  • Day 4

    Karatu to Lake Natron

    After breakfast at your accommodation in Karatu your drive guide will pick and start to drive you to visit the unexplainable Lake Natron in Northern Tanzania. The Lake Natron is a salt or soda lake not far from lake Manyara in northern Tanzania, it is located in the Gregory Rift the eastern branch of the East African Rift, the lake lays at the foot of the Ol Doinyo Lengai an active volcano. Lake Natron is quite shallow less than three meters deep and varies in width depending on its water level, the lake is 57 kilometers long and 22 kilometers wide, the area receives irregular seasonal rainfall mainly between December and May, the temperatures at the lake are often over 40C°. As the fresh water evaporates in the lake water with high concentrations of salt minerals such as sodium and trona remains, the alkalinity of the lake can reach a PH level of more than 12, Special bacteria and blue algae thrive in this environment and form an ideal breeding ground for the life of birds; Such halophytic organisms include some cyano bacteria produces the deep red colors of the lake’s waters and the orange colors in the shallow areas, salt loving microorganisms living there are coloring the alkali salt crust on the surface of the lake is red or pink. Then after all activities in Lake Natron you drive back to your accommodation place for dinner and overnight.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
    • Travel Time:

      5h drive from Karatu to Lake Natron
  • Day 5

    Lake Natron to Serengeti National Park

    On this day after having breakfast at your accommodation your driver guide will pick you and start to drive from Lake Natron to Serengeti National Park for game drive; The Serengeti National Park was established in 1951 as a National Park by the government for the aim of protecting Wild animals in their natural environment. The Serengeti National Park cover an area of 14,763 kilometers square, also the Park is surrounded by 5 buvason such as;- Loliondo Game Controlled Area on East, Ngorongoro Conservation Area on South, Maswa Game Reserve on South West, Grummeti Game Reserve on North West and Masai Mara National Reserve on North. The name “Serengeti” was derived from the word “Siringit” in Maasai language meaning endless plains, the Serengeti is also renowned for its large Lion population and is one of the best places to observe prides in their natural environment, approximately 70 large mammal and 850 birds’ species are found there. This high diversity is a function of diverse habitats; include riverine forests, swamps, kopjes, grassland and woodland. Blue wildebeest, gazelles, zebras and buffalos are some of the commonly found large mammals in the region.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
    • Travel Time:

      5h drive from Lake Natron to Serengeti National Park
  • Day 6

    Game Drive Day in Northern Serengeti National Park

    After breakfast at Kon Tiki Tented Lodge your driver guide will pick you and start drive to experience the Northern Serengeti Wildebeest Migration is the most famous migration and is counted as one of the seven wonders of animals on earth. This wildebeest migration takes place on the extreme North of Serengeti National Park around the Lamai Triangle and it’s the largest and mass wildebeest migration. The migration happens from July to September as the wildebeest cross the Mara River to the Maasai Mara National Reserve of Kenya passing through the Serengeti Maasai Mara ecosystem. The Northern Serengeti wildebeest migration is more dramatic seeing wildebeest and other grazers throw themselves in water amidst the lager Nile Crocodiles in the water. This wildebeest migration is interesting that human cannot tell exact date of the migration but fellow animals especially the predators can camp there in time just waiting for the great opportunity to start hunting. At the time of migration every wildebeest has a dream to cross and survive yet the Crocodiles also count on the animals for their dinner and lunches hence making everything strange as they have to go for the survival for the fittest. Also the high cliffs of the rift valley escarpments makes the river deep and not easy to have a U-turn, once they have entered the river there no looking back. Other animals to see during the northern wildebeest migration are the elusive Leopard, Hippos, Hyrax, Mongoose, Birds and Reptiles. In October the wildebeest start to return back to the Serengeti area hence making the Mara Serengeti ecosystem busy, one can experience the wildebeest migration by visiting Serengeti in July and then return to back to Maasai Mara in October.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
  • Day 7

    Game Drive Day in Central Serengeti National Park

    After morning breakfast you will collect your stuff and check out to your accommodation place and start morning game drive towards to Central Serengeti National Park for having A stay or visit to the Seronera area in the very heart of Serengeti National Park involves a bit of compromise, the area southeast of Seronera becomes the center of wildlife viewing during the rainy season as vast herds of wildebeest congregate here in this period. Seronera is also known as predator capital of the World, sightings of Leopard, Cheetah and Lion is almost guaranteed; the peak of wildlife and visitor activity is between March and May, the period in which the wildebeest and their entourage are found in the area. It also is a pleasant area to be as it offers a variety of different habitats and water is available year round, the upsides abundant wildlife great accessibility and many facilities come with a price. It is important to realize that parts of this area experience very high visitor traffic, the area may attract a serious clustering of safari vehicles especially when it concerns big cats sightings, in unfortunate circumstances you may see a single Lion whilst being joined by a pack of 10 safari vehicles, however it is still very well possible to enjoy the Seronera area and you should!. After afternoon and evening game drive your driver guide will drive you slowly to your accommodation place in Central Serengeti for dinner and overnight.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
  • Day 8

    Serengeti National Park to Ngorongoro Conservation Area

    After morning breakfast at Kon Tiki you will continue with your safari to exit the Serengeti National Park with game on route toward to visit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area which has vast expanses of highland plains, savanna, savanna woodland and forests, from the plains of the Serengeti National Park in North-West, to the Eastern arm of the Great Rift Valley. The area has been subject to extensive archaeological research for over 60 years and has yielded a long sequence of evidence of human dynamics collectively extending over a span of almost 4 million years to the early modern era. This evidence includes fossilized footprints at Laetoli associated with the development of human bipedalism, a sequence of diverse evolving hominine species within Olduvai Gorge which range from Australopiths such as Zinjanthropus boisei to the Homo lineage that includes Homo habilis, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens; an early form of Homo sapiens at Lake Ndutu and in the Ngorongoro crater, remains the development of stone technology and the transition to the use of iron. Also the landscape of the area is seen to have the potential to reveal much more evidence concerning the rise of anatomically modern humans, modern behavior and human ecology.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
    • Travel Time:

      3h drive from Serengeti National Park to Ngorongoro Conservation Area
  • Day 9

    Ngorongoro Crater to Arusha

    After early morning breakfast at Ngorongoro Rhino Lodge your driver guide will pick you start drive to Ngorongoro Crater to visit incredible Crater, the World largest intact and unfilled Volcanic Caldera which was formed when the huge Volcano Exploded and Collapsed on itself. The Conservation was established in 1959 as conservation and it cover an area of 8,300 kilometers square, while before was a part of Serengeti National Park and it was a National Park also since 1951 when the Conservationist Doctor Bernard Grizymark had an idea of established the area to become a National Park due to the annual migration of wild animals such as wildebeest (gnu) and their followers Zebras, Gazelles and lager Carnivore Lions, Cheetah, Sported Hyenas and Leopards. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area has uniqueness in wildness for having multiple habitants of Wildlife and Humans (Maasai) with their domestic animals (Cattles, Ships, Goats and Donkey) which share grazing area with wild animals but they not disturb each other. When you had an opportunity to arrival in Ngorongoro Crater you will experience the unique Crater which cover an area of 302 kilometers square, and Crater ream has 610 depth, attitude inside crater is 1900 m above sea level large heads of animals grazing in the Crater with large groups of Carnivore which spend their time around the herbivore. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area has seven dormant Craters such as Olmoti 3100m, Lemagrut 3107m, Lolmalasin 3648m, Empakaai 3262m, One Caldera known as Ngorongoro Crater and One active Volcano of Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountain 2878m. Inside the Caldera there are different land scarps such as Elerai Forest which covered by Acacia, Lake Magadi which has high concentration of Flamingoes, Ngoitoktok Swamp with large Hippo Pools, Crater Ream which covered by bushes with Eastern Black Rhino, Plains with small hills and River which cross from the Crater ream to the Lake Magadi. The Seneto route is used for descent and Elerai route is used to exit the Crater. Then after done the game drive in the Crater you will have lunch at picnic site then you will start to exit the Crater and then you will drive direct to Arusha for dinner and overnight.

    • Meal Plan:

      Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
    • Travel Time:

      4h drive from Ngorongoro Conservation Area to Arusha
  • Day 10


    On this day you will have a transfer from Arusha to Airport but it will depend on your flight time so that it will be the end of safari with us.


  • All national park entrance and camping fees
  • Accommodation as detailed – tented camps/lodges or public campsites. If doing a budget camping safari, we provide all the camping equipment as well
  • Services of a qualified driver-guide
  • Services of a cook on a budget camping safari
  • 4 x 4 Land Cruiser with Safari pop-up open roof
  • 1 pair of binoculars
  • All food – breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Bottled water and soft drinks in the vehicle during the safari
  • Airport pick up/drop off Kilimanjaro or Arusha airport


  • Visas
  • Items of Personal Interest
  • Souvenirs
  • Tips for the driver-guide (we suggest 10 USD per day per person)
  • Tips for the cook (we suggest 5 USD per day per person. The cook will only be present on public camping safaris)
* Prices are per person and based on a minimum of four people.

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